Monday, November 18, 2013

Equal Right, Equal Opportunity

                What can you say when you hear the words right and opportunity? Base on my on experience, if you have right, you have the right to fight for your rights. For example, the pre-mature baby  have the right to live.

                In the first century, girls are discriminated. For example, they have not the right to vote, to choose their dream guy,  and  many more. But the girls in this generation are lucky, because they are not discriminated anymore. They had a freedom to do the works of boys, to choose their dream guy, and to vote in the elections. These are called   “Gender Equality”, that there is no more discrimination, that someone have right and have a freedom to choose for their own goodness.

                So, we have to build an equal right and equal opportunity in order for a better country.

Going Global Through English Language

                In this world we are moving, there are many  language speaks in different countries. And the effects of this, were the people can’t understand each other and a result of bad communication.

                We should use a global language in order for us to understand each other. And that global language is “ENGLISH”. In using this language, we can communicate to other people in this world. Because English language was considered  as the universal language.

                So in going global,  use English language so that we can build a  better friendship, for a better country, and  for a better nation.